Vegan Bodybuilder – Crissi Carvalho
Crissi Carvalho, fitness model and founder of Vegan Fitness Model, who also carries the title of health and fitness coach, designer, creative director and private chef has been competing for 4 year as a vegan bodybuilder. Crissi recently placed first in the IFBB Pro League Australia Bikini Masters Competition.
Crissi first began competing in 1992 at 19 years old and then again at 23 years old. After taking an extensive, 15 year break from the sport, Crissi got back into training and bodybuilding about 5 years ago, at the age of 39. She explains what brought her back to the body building.
“I love the discipline it requires, the feeling I get from training with weights or body weight and I love sculpting my body – the re-creative – building aspect is truly a huge draw card for many.”
When not competing as a vegan bodybuilder, Crissi, also I loves ninja obstacles training, and was part of Australia’s first Ninja Warrior last year! Here other interest include indoor bouldering, and doing calisthenics.

Why Vegan?
Crissi went plant-based for health reasons, almost 6 years ago.
“I had a cancer-scare, bloating, acne, migraines etc. Then after educating myself about what really happens to animals and watch many documentaries I switched to veganism. I could NO longer contribute to the meat and dairy industries and the suffering animals go through.”

Health and Performance
“Since going Vegan, I have turned my life around in ALL aspects. From health, career, wealth and spirit, I have become stronger, fitter, leaner, more youthful plus I have become more confident and adventurous.
What is important about promoting a Whole Food Plant Based Vegan lifestyle as a vegan bodybuilder?
“The most amazing thing for me, is the amount of people I have inspired to make the change, just for being me. Truly, we all lead by example and if it’s right….it will show and everyone will want to change too!!”
“I became Vegan Fitness Model, at 40 years old, all from changing my lifestyle to a Vegan one! At first I was detoxing from years of fueling my body with the wrong foods and drinks, but the more whole food based I ate the more I began to feel better. I no longer suffer any of the above, and haven’t been sick for years!”
“My motto is; Inspire Change. Be the change!
By changing our live’s to a more compassionate one, it truly will bring out the best in us all.”